Monday, January 18, 2010

25 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I L.O.V.E. LOVE, LoVe, love Taco Bell. Specifically, the Bean Burrito. I actually have never ordered anything else on the menu. I know where my very first Taco Bell that I’ve ever tasted is, in Idaho Falls, ID. I went on a date there with my dad when I was a little girl. I’ve got my 3 year old daughter addicted to the delicious devils as well. Every Tuesday and Thursday after I pick her up from preschool she requests her bean burrito. My husband asked me a while back which one I would choose: Taco Bell, or him. I told him if he loved me he wouldn’t make me decide.

2. I believe every woman should own a pair of bright pink shoes. I myself own three. And it shouldn’t depend on the clothes (if any) you have to go with them. That is irrelevant. Brightly colored shoes make a woman feel in such a way that nothing else can. And another thing: You don’t buy a really cute pair of shoes to go with an outfit. You buy the outfit to go with the really cute pair of shoes.

3. I’m claustrophobic. Don’t put anything over my face, or restrict my arms in any way or I will cry. My poor husband learned this when we were first married. He was sitting on the couch doing something, and I was attempting to take off a sweatshirt. It got stuck on my head, I yelled for help, he didn’t come, and I started bawling. I also don’t like wearing shoes because of this. During high school I don’t know if I ever wore shoes. If I was running late for class, I would run through the snow in my flip flops. Even that was better than wearing shoes.

4. I secretly am totally interested in the lives of celebrities. You will always see me in the check out at the grocery store reading all the gossip, though I will never buy a magazine. And although Angelina and Brad turned out to be a pretty good couple, I was incredibly devastated and embarrassingly affected by the split of Brad and Jennifer.

5. I love stepping on crunchy leaves in the fall.

6. I think I’ll win anyone in “worst date” stories. If you’re not sure, try me. I’ll have you beat in quality and quantity.

7. Best feeling: new socks. I know I’ve arrived when I can put on a new pair of socks every day. Okay, that may be a little absurd. I will wear the same pair of socks twice and still feel that I’ve arrived.

8. Pet peeves: Unused time left on the microwave. For crying out loud, just push the “clear/cancel” button. That, and odd numbers on the “volume” indicator, both in the car and on the tv. My thoughts become completely consumed when either of these are a 9 or a 13. I can’t think of anything else until the dial is turned up or down by just one.

9. My camera is not a person, that would be absurd. But it does have feelings. I can’t bear the thought of my camera sitting alone in a dark bag for too long. It needs to see the light, and be around people. Or just me. I think my camera has a pretty good life. All SLR’s have feelings. If you have one, be good to it. Use it properly, use all the settings, and never let too much time go by without spending time together.

10. I’m from Utah, but can’t ski or snowboard. Believe me, I’ve tried. And it has never been a good experience. Broken bones and sprained wrists are a good example of this.

11. I was the girl in high school who couldn’t exert any physical energy in P.E., because that would be SOO embarrassing to be sweaty during school.

12. I secretly LOVE to sing.

13. 3 things that I always asked for for Christmas: a tv in my room (never got), a phone with my own phone line (these were the days before cell phones--and never got), and picture frames. This last one was much more attainable. I’ve always loved pictures, and always felt the need to display them. When my family went on vacations, and all the children were getting souvenirs, I always wanted pictures. That is where memories are preserved the most. Not in little trinkets that just get lost or broken.

14. If I were to get a tattoo, which I never would, but if I did, I would get one on the top of my foot.

15. I can type over 100 wpm with 98% accuracy. I LOVE to type.

16. I know the difference between too, to, and two; their, they’re, and there; and affect and effect. And I HATE when people use them incorrectly. I am always tempted to correct, though I have never had the guts. I’m not sure if people care as much as I do. Though I can never remember the correct usage of lay and lie.

17. I am addicted to Sudoku.

18. My favorite music is the same music I listened to in high school. A few new songs have been added to the list, and a few have been taken off, but it has much remained the same.

19. My favorite restaurant (besides Taco Bell), is a Mexican joint in Utah called La Frontera. I get the hamburger.

20. You know those people who don’t make big deals about their birthday? Well, I am NOT that person.

21. When I met my husband, I was the aggressor. Weird, huh. He is so lucky.

22. I am a rule follower. Not a rule breaker. I don’t walk outside of crosswalks. I don’t even cut the corners.

23. I’ve seen EVERY episode of Friends. More than once. My favorites are Monica and Ross. (Ross mainly in the later years.)

24. I currently have my dream job. Being a mom is what I’ve dreamed of doing since I was a little girl. I think it is the hardest yet most rewarding job that anyone could ever do. Oh, and being a photographer is pretty cool, too.

25. My favorite color is pink. My favorite number is 27. My favorite times table is 8 X 4. My favorite time of the day is morning. My favorite dessert is hot fudge sundaes or double-stuft Oreos.


Blogger Cammie said...

I knew most of these. It was fun to read. Brings back some memories for me. I miss you.

January 18, 2010 at 4:21 PM  
Blogger The Manuel Family said...

Hilarious - love it!

January 19, 2010 at 10:13 AM  
Blogger grandma s said...

I'm surprised how many things we have in common...#2 I'm buying pink shoes this spring, still love your wedding pic. #'s 3,4,5,7,8,12. #15 pretty close. #18, favorite color pink, #7, morning, hot fudge sundaes... One of my very favorite memories is of making angels in the snow with you. You are such an incredible young woman and mom. I love you, grandma S

February 4, 2010 at 11:53 AM  

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